Corporate Monsters Tabletopia Cover Art

Welcome to Corporate Monsters!

Corporate Monsters is a casual, family-friendly card game featuring the monsters you work with at your office.

Your task is to assemble a new highly relevant team in order to complete our latest Tech Project! As with all tech projects your Checklists and Monsters must be held with the highest of confidentiality to prevent your competitors from using it to their advantage!

  • All ages, family-friendly game
  • Party game for 2-4 players.
  • Includes 54 total cards including one instructions card.
  • Quick, fun gameplay that typically lasts about 5 to 10 minutes.

Corporate Monsters is easy to learn, but difficult to master and offers a plethora of strategies, power moves, and combinations that keep your opponents guessing and result in unique game play almost every time. Knock out a few rounds with some friends to determine who is the biggest Corporate Monster!

We just launched a free 2-player Corporate Monsters game on Tabletopia that you can play now for free! Click here to check it out! Please note, that our touted “2-minute tutorial video” is coming soon. In the meantime, please check out our “How To Play” video below.

Sign Up For Updates!

The physical card game version of Corporate Monsters is currently in development and will be launching on KickStarter soon! Please sign up with your email address to receive updates about our upcoming launch. We promise not to bug you very often and you can opt-out at any time.

What's In The Box?

Corporate Monsters is a fully self-contained game, meaning that you don’t need anything that isn’t included in the box to play (e.g. no pencils, timers or smartphone app are required). Each box contains 54 total cards including a Quick Instruction Card, 8 Project Checklist Cards and 45 Monster Cards.

One (1) – Quick Instruction Card

Corporate Monsters Instructions - Side 1

Eight (8) – Project Checklists

Corporate Monsters Project Checklist Card

Forty-five (45) – Monster Cards

Backside of Monster Card from Corporate Monsters

Instruction Card
This card serves a quick reference to the Rules of Conduct for the Corporate Monsters Company.

Project Checklist
This card tells you which 5 Monsters you must hire to complete your team and win the game.
You can only hire 1 Monster from each of the departments listed and you must hire all 5 Monsters listed to build your team and win the game!

Monster Cards
Monster Cards represent our employee files and contain 4 Monsters from each of our 10 internal departments plus 5 special Power Cards.

Corporate Monster Internal Departments

Monster Departments of Corporate Monsters

Power Cards

Power Cards are a type of Monster Card that allow you to enact high-powered Monstrous Actions that can aid you in completing your team while sabotaging your competitors! 

To play a Power Card, a player must place it in the discard pile and announce the name of the card.

Power Cards can also simply be discarded, if desired, by placing the Power Card in the discard pile and announcing “Discard” instead of the name of the Power Card.

Power Card title

Global Layoff

Global Layoff - Power Card
Every player must take one of their Hired Monsters (if any) and put them in the Discard pile. The first player to discard a monster is the player to the left of the person who played the Global Layoff card. The turns continue to the next player to the left and end with the person who played the Global Layoff card discarding a hired monster last.

Once all players have discarded 1 Hired Monster game play resumes with the next player taking their turn.

This Power Card is exempt from discard picking unless using the Headhunter Power Card.

Fresh Blood

Fresh Blood - Power Card
The player of this card picks a player to discard all 3 Monster Cards currently in their hand.

The player chosen must place their 3 Monster Cards face up in the Discard pile and then take 3 new Monster cards from the Draw pile.

IMPORTANT: The player’s Project Checklist and hired Monster Cards are NOT discarded.

The Power Card is exempt from discard picking unless using the Headhunter Power Card.

Poacher (X2)

Poacher - Power Card
The player may use the Poacher card to take any Hired Monster away from any opponent in the game.

The player may then place that Monster in their hand or use as a Hired Monster, if applicable to their Project Checklist.

This Power Card is exempt from discard picking unless using the Headhunter Power Card.

There are two Poacher cards in each deck.


Poacher - Power Card
The player may use the Headhunter card to look back at the last 4 cards in the Discard pile.

The Player may then take any of 1 of those cards to place in their hand or use as a Hired Monster, if applicable to their Project Checklist.

This Power Card is exempt from discard picking.